
God calls us to love our neighbors (Matthew 22:39), feed the hungry (Matthew 25:35), and care for the orphaned (James 1:27). He calls us to make disciples of ALL nations (Matthew 28:19-20). God did NOT say "Once you turn 18"...or "Once you graduate from college"...or "once you get settled...THEN go make disciples of all nations". We want our kids to know that THEY can make an impact in their world. God wants to use our children to make disciples of all nations! That is why SHRED wants to reach out to others around us.

We are forming a relationship with Atlantis, a low income neighborhood just 5 minutes away from our beach site. We have already offered one event for some of the kids in this neighborhood and we look forward to doing so much more with them! One of our goals is to offer some events for the children during their Spring Break. If you are interested in this, please contact me! I'd love to talk more about it with you!
Here are some pics from our Art From The Heart Activity with the 3-5th grade girls in Atlantis:

We have also reached out to a small village in Nicaragua. A few months ago, SHRED was learning about INITIATIVE, which is seeing something that needs to be done and doing it. Well, the kids in this village didn't have shoes. Not having shoes is more than just a discomfort- it is dangerous. Kids can get infections and diseases from not wearing shoes. So our kids decided to DO something about this! Everyone went home to search through their closets to find shoes that didn't fit anymore. We were able to collect over 100 pairs of shoes!! Take a look below to see some of the Nicaraguan children wearing the shoes we collected: